Saturday, October 11, 2008

September 24, 2008

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

September 23, 2008

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

September 22nd 2008

IMG_0103.jpg image by guerillaidiom

IMG_0104.jpg image by guerillaidiom

IMG_0106.jpg image by guerillaidiom

IMG_0107.jpg image by guerillaidiom

IMG_0111.jpg image by guerillaidiom

IMG_0112.jpg image by guerillaidiom

Click to see bigger.

Hugh Ferriss: Delineator of Gotham

The nonist is the best blog I have ever read consistently.

Please check out this post about Hugh Ferriss, the most mind blowing architectural draftsman of the 20's. You might recognize alot of the style in such other 20's current literature and films. i/e: Les Cities Obscure, or even Metropolis.


I know, I suck

I've been planning on updating this everyday, but sadly, I don't do it. I've been taking a photo a day with my new pocket sized digital camera, but I'm a slacker, and blogger/photobucket are a hassle.

I'll try to update alot tonight.
